So, I stopped reading the Steven Tyler book for now. I have read the whole 'Hunger Games' series and loved it. I should have blogged about that, they were great and I can't wait for the movie. Jacob and I want to go to the midnight showing, so if any of you are up to it, let's go!!
It was hard to find time to read them, but after letting other things go like school for example (ha ha). Jacob would ask me every three minutes, "What part are you on now????" I'd have to re-read that whole page once I got him quiet again. I loved that he wanted to share it with me, but I read slow and comprehend slower and I need to get into the zone. My blog may be boring for a while. I may just write just to write. Facebook seems too public for me and I may read something again, finish the Steven Tyler book, but I feel a little behind in school, so I will probably be doing catch up there for a while. Campout this weekend!!! Yeay! If I finally invited people successfully, I'd love to have a comment:-)